Thursday, August 24, 2017

Hungry Caterpillar Show Event

We were invited to a wonderful event yesterday and we all had a blast. The event was for "The Hungry Caterpillar Show". The show is coming to NYC so we got a sneak peek and I have to tell you it is cute, even my older critters were excited for the show. The show has over 75 puppets and is super colorful.  Check them out here

So a little background on what it took to get to event. I took the whole crew on the Express bus BY MYSELF from the BX to NYC. I left two hours before event start time and I was still a hot sweaty mess by the time we arrived. The trip was itself was not bad, thank god for express bus, Gameboys and NAPTIME, lol. So we got on the 12 o clock bus and I pulled out the Gameboys quickly. We waited about 20 mins (the longest 20 mins ever) so they were getting antsy and BORED, of course. So the Gameboys were a cause for excitement when we were all comfy in our seats. Even my smallest critter has one, hand me down from big bros but she has one. She was getting cranky and frustrated over her game selection, Big Hero 6 so I suggested a cuddle and a nap and she actually accepted. YUP score one for MOM. This made the ride much more pleasant, there was a smaller baby on the bus who was a little fussy too so I was thankful my "baby" was quiet. Side note, the Express bus now has the option to charge your phone Yup Docking Station so pack your charger.
Once we got off the bus on 42nd and 5th Ave, same spot as the lady with the small baby. A older woman actually helped this young mom of one off the bus with her huge stroller. Mom Tip, when you are getting on public transportation travel with a stroller that YOU can handle with your bag and baby or babies. If was such a pleasant surprise to see others helping each other but you should not count on this, EVER. We had our Kmart special umbrella stroller, which hubby refers to it as Straight Gorilla Warfare style, LOL. The stroller is lightweight, no canopy or basket under it is just a frame and cloth for baby to sit. It worked out for us since my older critters can actually help me now. My oldest was in charge of the stroller while we got on and off the bus. So I had help just kinda built in, wink wink. So off the bus to walk to 11th Ave from 5th Ave. We grabbed $3 hots dogs (YES $3, should have bought them from home) and started to walk. I was trying to pack light but I did bring drinks for all of us EVEN myself. YAY. Mom Tip always have some cash on hand so you can carry less stuff.
Back to event, we checking in and had to wait like five mins which gave me a chance to dry off and chat with JustABxMom. We went in last, which is kind of funny now because we entered last and were the last ones to leave, LOL. We took some pics with the big colorful sign, below. My middle critter was not excited at all about event. He was under to impress event meant SCHOOL. He turned it around really quickly when he saw ice cream, gift and his favorite JUICE.

There was so many fun things to do at this sneak peek event, we started by coloring in Hungry Caterpillar headband hats, then moved on to the good stuff ICE CREAM, Smoothies, water & Juice. They had Vanilla or Cookies and Cream, 2 favorites at our house. They had face painting too which took a little bit for my crew to warm up to but they ended up visiting this station 2x. My little one didn't want anything to do with face or body painting so I got one on my arm to show her it was cool but she still declined which was OK she was still having fun. The nice artist gave her some GLITTER so we were very happy after that. They all got a gift of their choice to take home. They all picked the Hungry Caterpillar which was OK because NO fighting over which one belongs to which critter when we are back home.

This event at the Gotham West Market was definitely worth the bit of stress and sweat to get there.My hubby always says the hardest part is getting there so this mantra now plays in my head constantly when I am talking myself out of doing something new. I feel like if we all help each other we would be more prone to try new, fun and exciting things. So next time you can try to help someone out with a tip or a helping hand.

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