Saturday, December 1, 2018

Santa HQ

Now that we have officially said good bye to turkey and November we can think about Santa, winter and CHRISTMAS. I know the stores and the world started already so I might be late to the party, lol. I do like to enjoy each holiday individually so forgive my tardiness. 

Last month we got the opportunity to visit Santa-HQ at the Queens Center Mall. The Santa experience here is a lot different than most places. With every turn there is a new high tech interaction leading up to meet the big guy in red. As we entered we were greeted by a friendly staff member that took down our information (name, email, etc.) Next it was time of fun. We all got a chance to see how nice we really are, with the Nice O Meter. We all made the nice list so Santa will be eating our yummy cookies this year.                                         

Next was a favorite part of mine, a photo opt. I am all about the pictures. If you know me I am famous for a great now and then collage so to have the same backdrop as last year was very nice. The critters did a lot better than last year so that was a little gift in itself. 

Next we were off to the Magic Mirror. My oldest critter was a little tall, he is growing way to fast for me, so he had to shrink down a bit. He still had a great time with his transformation. I was so happy to see that they named the elves and RUBY (best name ever) was one of the girl elf names. While we were emailing the “elfed out” critter photos to my email, Santa came to check in with us. I was surprised but the crew greeted him like he was a old friend. Santa became one of the crew by the end of the visit.                                     

Next room we got to search for hidden items with the awesome app. Our youngest critter was driving the ship to get us to Santa. She had a great time making things light up and move, she did not even worry about the app.

Meeting Santa is always treat he was so nice my hubby and I even jumped in the picture. Queens Center is definitely one of the best places to meet Santa and get a awesome photo maybe even a family one like we did.

Tips before you go:

Might want to download the app on your phone if you are going with more that one child. It will save a few arguments and not get them on the naughty list.

Use the bathroom before you go in because there is not one so close by. I know from experience that once you are close to a “goal” or destination the potty is always something that needs to happen.

Since there are so many photo opts and it is cold outside you might want to bring a big recycling bag for all the coats. I don’t like to be the coat rack because sometimes I want to get in the pictures too. A big bag to hold the coats, gloves, hats and scarfs is definitely a must so you can be sure to have it all on the way out.

I want to wish you a happy and healthy holiday season. I will be doing my best to not get stressed and just enjoy being blessed. This year, they did not really give Santa (or me) many ideas. Only thing I got was from my older one (he is always ready). He would like a $100 Xbox gift Card. Oh boy, wish me luck.