Monday, August 20, 2018

Donating Just Because

As we are so blessed to go to fun events I always thinking about the people that are might not have the same opportunities. After we enjoy the fun events, I like to get all the goodies we get and put one or two on the side. I like to share the goodies with friends, family or even complete strangers.

The school my critters currently attend always do a Holiday Toy Drive. They ask for unopened toys and donate to a local shelter or hospital. On some occasions students from the school are able to join the school faculty to drop kids and see the kids that are less fortunate. These moments are priceless in a child's life. As parent you want your kids to know about the less fortunate but there is a fine line with beating them over the head with it or making them feel bad and worry they can be there too. With these opportunities they get the chance to see first hand and be grateful that they are blessed to be able to give. We want our kids to have the best and the latest and greatest toys but most of the time they play with the new toy(s) for a bit but then toss them to the side for their electronics device. (Insert yours here - tablet, phone, laptop, etc). So in other words they wont miss and sometimes not
even notice the ideas you keep on the side to donate.

Another way, that I have done over the years, would be donating my hair. My hair is thick and tends to get very heavy as it gets longer. After each of my pregnancies I cut all my hair off, left it short enough to make a quick ponytail to pull it back for late night pamper changes. Being a new mom I quickly learned there was not free time to style my hair as I once did. It was a choice of sleep or InStyler, Sleep WON!!  I donated to Locks of Love and Wigs for Kids. These are just a few of the organizations out there that use human hair to help kids that have a long term medical hair loss for any diagnosis. If you know of any other please let me know, Sharing is Caring.
                                         My Donation to Wigs for Kids from Nov 2017

Another donation that is near and dear to my heart are Box Tops 4 Education. If you know me you know I will raid you cabinets and leave all out cereal, cans and any other household product with a missing corner because I need all the box tops I see to donate to our school. I have been educating my neighbors, family, friends and even community workers about this wonderful program. Even if you do not have a child in school you can still do your part and clip and drop them off at your child former school or the neighborhood school that participates in the program.
Box Tops are a small square, pictured below, worth 10 cents found on A LOT of everyday items we all buy. They are always adding to list of participating-products but this is the most up to date. This free money for schools gets thrown away way too much. If your school does not participate jump on the Box Tops bandwagon during National Box Tops Week September 17th to 23rd, 2018. What school couldn't use some extra money.

                                             Box Tops come in all sizes so look out for them

These are just some of the many ways to share your own personal blessings.
What are ways that you donate? Always want to do more to help others so please leave ideas below.