Saturday, July 14, 2018

Summer Fun Time

Hi All,
It has been a while but I am back and ready to share maybe over share, LOL. As we all say goodbye to the days of school filled with plays, test and class gifts it is time to let loose and just RELAX. We move on to the days of no schedules and going where the day takes us. Hold on I have 3 critters to entertain all summer. Mom Life aka the best life keeps me from the full relaxation aka vacation mode. I am really trying to embrace this because school life last year was very stressful. I am loving the time we are spending all together with no bed times.

We have joined the Pokemon Go craze, yup we are late to the party but I like to think we let the games/app get all the kinks out and when we play it is running more smoothly. But the truth is I finally caved and installed it on my phone. This is the best mom hack to get them outside. If you live walking distance to a Poke Stop you can get them excited to go visit the stop and then get them to do more outdoor activities. You all know my crew is full of gamers so they have no issues staying home gaming all day in their pjs. Gaming time is a great opportunity for me to get any work done but summer is a time to be outdoors. It gets so very cold in the winter so I need to max them out on that good old vitamin D during the short summer months.

                   Pokemon Go is free in the app store but only available on a phone no tablets. 

Another fun summer activity will be Super League Summer Bootcamp. Yes we got to get the games in there for the days that we just need a break or it is raining. This boot camp is something new from Super League and we are all definitely excited. When the event is done I will give you all a full run down. We get to play from home and there is a chance to win MONEY. It is a scholarship so that is def a big plus for my mom life. They pushed back the start date from July 15th to July 22nd. There is still time to join in on the FREE fun.
                       Super League Web page where you can register for your free ticket.

The zoo will be our favorite go to activity this summer. Since the Bronx Zoo is like the biggest zoo in the world no one can see all there is to see in a day so I waited it out and got the membership. Now we can go see all there is to see in the Bronx Zoo and all the other zoos, wherever we like and as many times as we like. Good time to learn about the world and how so many factors cause it to go round. They are even more excited about the Zoo because we watch the show on Animal Planet.

Some of our fun Zoo adventures so far. Do you watch the Zoo we do and love it. Hi Jim!!

Definitely looking forward to having the most fun we can have this summer. My critters are growing up at the speed of light. My oldest will turn 9 this summer, middle guy is 7 and RebelGirl is 4 going on 14. I am not ready for them to all be in school next year so got to make as many summer fum memories as I can to get me thru to LONG school days.