I want to teach my critters that it is important to know what day it is and what is happening that day. Sometimes we just go with the what that day brings but if we are more prepared more can accomplished so much more that day. I was told if you tell a child what you expect of them it helps them to excel and do well.
So I not only change the month for them but I add fun stickers to let them know days we don't have to go to school and special days. My middle critters birthday is coming in March so we got a extra sticker on the calendar for his special day.
Don't get me wrong yes school is fun, nice and the love their friends but it is not that favorite place to go as a kid. As much as I volunteer my time at school and send fun class gifts for holidays or national days (Thanks to Oriental Trading) my critters rather be elsewhere. As a "grown up" I can totally understand but sometimes we have to do things we don't really want to do right. Like work, laundry, food shopping, etc. the list can go on and on.
So due to all off this I think it helps to have a visual countdown of how many days are left in the week. It can also help the order of the days and months. Everything can be a learning experience you just need to keep it fun.
The (fun, pretty cool) stickers we used here, pictured above, are were gifts from the Valentine's Exchange we participated in with our Disney Latina Moms #DisneyLatinaMoms. I think the more "fun", bright or cool the stickers are the more attention they will get.
What are some fun and easy ways you help your weekdays go by a little faster?